Friday, September 4, 2009

Good and Bad News

The doctor finally arrived and Johanne has made some improvements. There was talk about surgery but we both decided that wasn´t going to happen here!! Thankfully the reason for possible surgery was dismissed this morning as Johanne stomach has made some improvements, however, we have one set back, her temperature has climbed again to just over 39 degrees so we not totally winning the battle with the infection just yet and her Oxygen levels are still low 83... they were 79 and should be 90. The lab came in and took blood to see what´s up. We should know in an hour or two. It´s tough for me to run out of the hospital and go to a cyber joint to post info as I don´t want to leave her but the hospital doesn´t feed me so i have to go out and eat.... which is when I try to post. But there´s only so much guinea pig I can eat :-)

We are supposed to fly to Lima tomorrow and then home the next day but the doctor has told us to forget that schedule as Johanne is to weak and to sick for travel so god knows when we´ll get home..... or how. That´s my job this afternoon to see what can be done. If we are not home next weekend enjoy the wedding! The doctor is hoping she will be travel worthy in two days possibly. God we both want out of here so bad.

Don´t worry about me I´m eating and trying to cope with stress and the altitude. There is a phenomenon that happens at this altitude to sea level dwellers where you stop breathing or hold your breath and wake with a big inhalation. They don´t know why this happens but it´s got me freaked out. It happens to me just when I´m about to fall a sleep. I´m fine other than the obvious worries.

The streets are a mass of people which doubles after 6:00pm it´s shear craziness but fairly safe but this is why I´m not posting in the evening. I tried to last night but all the cyber shops were blocked with teenagers and there was nothing available from the hundreds of internet shops around the hospital.

Anyway I have run and grab some lunch and get back to Joey-Lynn.

Love to all

´Stuck in Cuzco Peru´

PS did I mention I´m sick of the altitude and the 12 to 16 degree temperature and the guy next me stinks of BO and is listening to and singing MJ´s Thriller.... funny as shit!!


  1. Keep strong man! And just remember, you can't get enough of guinea pig.

  2. had Peter and I laughing out loud at your PS statement. The 12-16 degree temperature is what we've been waking up to these last couple of days here , so suck it up! LOL!

    Good to hear that she is coming along...even though it's such a slow process. The temperature spikes are worrysome though. I'm very happy that the thought of surgery has passed as I'd hate to see her go through that there, (or anywhere, but especially there)!

    I'm glad to know you're doing well and keeping yourself fed and taken care of. Stay strong. You need that for yourself, and for her too!

    OH! And Please tell Johanne that if she really wanted the attention, there are better ways to go about it then this.

    {{HUGS}} to you both!


    Margie, Peter and Dillon

  3. Cathy and I have been thinking a lot about your adventure and hope that you both arrive home safe soon.

    In our thoughts,

    Alex, Cathy and Jacqueline Mulford
