While on the Inca Trail on day one in the middle of no where in the
Andes Mountains we came across a small village... the population doubled when we arrived I'm sure. These two kids were just
hangin' out saying "
Ola"... to the new trekkers of the day. It struck me how our kids are bored while surrounded by thousands of dollars of toys. I wanted to know what their world existed of but unfortunately had to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I'm sure it was nothing close to even my own childhood. I guess if you're surrounded by love and are unaware of the
luxuries of others than what odds.
Children in the Andes are drilled constantly with three vitues, "Don't Lie, don't Steal, don't be lazy." It's a concept that's simple but imbeded. As you will hear late in Day two... Johanne's rescue.
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