Monday, September 21, 2009
End of Day 2 of the Inca Trail
I was incredibly glad to arrive at camp which seemed to be above the clouds. Johanne was piggy backed by a porter and arrived an hour before me. Those guys are incredibly strong.... all 120lbs of them soak and wet.
Johanne was a sleep. During the night she moaned in agony throughout the night. Suddenly her Kidney's started working and she was up all night going to the bathroom. Not a pleasant experience for her that's for sure. I talked with the guides about optiuons and we were past the point of no return so I was praying she would be able to walk out.
Day 2 Continued
Here we are at the top of Dead Woman's Pass. We walked up from the bottom of the valley in the background. God the scenery was incredible. I had one of the heaviest packs with all my camera gear but Johanne was so sick I carried her pack on my front. It was brutal but she was in more pain than me that's for sure. At this point it was obvious that Johanne was having kidney problems.
One the way down the other side Johanne was so sick she just couldn't go on. A couple of Porters came up and offered her a pick back ride to the camp.... I jumped in to decline when Johanne simply said, "Please." That was the point that I knew she was in incredible pain, to except a pick back ride down a huge mountain over an uneven path where one slip and you could be tumbling for an hour.
One the way down the other side Johanne was so sick she just couldn't go on. A couple of Porters came up and offered her a pick back ride to the camp.... I jumped in to decline when Johanne simply said, "Please." That was the point that I knew she was in incredible pain, to except a pick back ride down a huge mountain over an uneven path where one slip and you could be tumbling for an hour.
Day 2 - Johanne goes down hill fast
The start of Day 2 and Johanne seemed to be fine. Everyone was still sick from the altitude. After lunch I threw my guts up everywhere. Holly crap it was like it would never stop. A solid good 6 hard heaves hehehehehehe. So again Johanne's not feeling well wasn't a sign of anything out of the ordinary. We started walking at 7:00AM after breakfast and climbed 1200 meters over 6 KM with 300 Meters all down hill for 3 KM. It was incredibly challenging and the pass was call Dead Woman's pass... I was worried that Johanne might give the name meaning as she was getting worse fast, while the rest of us were getting better. This shot was mid climb and she was barely crawling and in a lot of pain.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Day 1 Continued

Children in the Andes are drilled constantly with three vitues, "Don't Lie, don't Steal, don't be lazy." It's a concept that's simple but imbeded. As you will hear late in Day two... Johanne's rescue.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day 1 of the Inca Trail
Day one of our Inca Trail trek was day 5 of our trip. Johanne was in good spirits along with our group.... 16 of us trekkers, 22 porters and cooks, 2 guides. We were quite an army. One gal from the UK, Ann was sick from a severe sunburn when we were on Lake Titicaca. She was real sick but getting better. We were all sick from the Altitude, so when Johanne started feeling down she was like everyone else. However, everyone else started feeling better after the first day while Johanne started feeling worse.
This day we walked 11 km but only climbed a few hundred meters. it was a great warmup as Day two is an incredibly difficult day. The views and scenery is spectacular. It is hard to describe the vastness of this country. It makes you feel very small and insignificant.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Joey-Lynn's Condition Post Wedding
The wedding really took a lot out of Johanne. She's pretty tired that's for sure. Hopefully the doctor tomorrow will send her for more tests to ensure everything is going in the right direction. Tomorrow I'll post a play by play of our ordeal in Peru where Johanne got sick.
Our Wedding

Wow I can not believe our wedding has come and gone. It was a very special day for us and we were so happy to share it with so many wonderful people. Johanne was her beautiful self and looked absolutely fantastic. Besides me screwing up my vows by refering to Johanne as my husband.... everything was great.... but that mistake is me to a tea.... I'm surprised I didn't refer to her as Troy, or Clarence or something hehehehehehe. Thanks again to everyone who sent us wishes and love.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wedding Times
Because Johanne is still weak we decided to get married at the Hall at 7:00 instead of getting married at 5:00 at my parents place... it will be less stress for my mom and Johanne and less moving around for Johanne.
Happy Wedding Day
Today is our wedding day. Finally here. I sure hope everyone has a great time that's coming. I will be posting more about the trip and Johanne's ordeal in Peru next week.
Oh ya.... got our luggage yesterday.
Oh ya.... got our luggage yesterday.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Big Altitude

If Johanne doesn't have more improvement tomorrow, she'll head to the doctor. I have to call the QEII tomorrow to see what the specuialists thought of the CT Scans.
I did so much bitching about the altitude that I thought I would post this shot taken at "Albra La Raya" our highest point 4338 meters or 14,332 feet above sea level. Seeing I live at 5 feet 10inches above sea level it was quite an affect on my body. These lovely ladies were here to sell some of their crafts and check out the shallow breathers from from the land down low.
At this height your skin sunburns in minutes. Johanne and I were using SPF50 and it still felt like we were burning.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Peruvian Ambulance
What do you do when you are at an altitude of over 2 miles high, deep in the Andean Mountains and become so extremely sick each step is excruciatingly painful? Call for an ambulance.
Here Johanne gets a piggy back ride from a porter half her weight (sorry Joey-Lynn) who basically ran her to base camp only switching once with the guy in red. Our group was a half hour a head of us and these two guys arrived at camp an hour before anyone else passing everyone on the trail. Unbelievable really.
I knew she was incredibly sick at this point when she agreed to do this as one slip could have been disastrous for both. But these guys are tough and rugged and more sure footed than an Alpaca.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Oh ya our luggage
When we arrived home we did so with no luggage... Clarence and Susan lost theirs too. Hopefully they will turn up as we had some video in the bags plus all our gear.... but concidering what we went through that's only minor in the big scheme of things.
Thank God We're Home
Hi folks
Johanne and I arrived home around 1:00 this afternoon after 30 hours of travel.... I've never been so emotionally and physically drained..... but it's not about me is it? Johanne went through hell during the 30 hours. The 10 hour layover in Caracas was the worst because the people so condescending and unhelpful for any information... it was quite an ordeal and we were glad to be on a jet bound for Canada..... even if Johanne was hospitalized in Toronto things would be better, but she made it back to Halifax.
We came home for just enough time to shower and then we headed straight for the QE II in Halifax. We got there around 4:00 and they put her in a room there withing minutes. Doctors reviewed the CT scans we brought from Peru and they felt there is no tumor but a mass of puss and fluid from the infection. They kept the scans to have specialists review them tomorrow. They gave us the option to stay in hospital over night or go home and monitor..... ya Joey-Lynn opted to go home and sleep in our bed tonight.... I can't wait.
We just walked through the door and write this while grabbing some stew Joey-Lynn's mother cooked for us. Home cooking...... mmmmmmmmm (in Homers voice).
We are completely overwhelmed by the out pouring of support and concern from everyone. I wrote the blog so I only had to write it once for family and friends.... We were amazed at how many people emailed us that they were praying for us and watching our progress through my blog. With so many it's impossible for me to reply to everyone, but know that I have read every comment, every email, every message. I know Joey-Lynn will go through them as well but I wanted to thank you all for your support and prayers.
A lot of you want to hear about the circumstances leading up to Joey-Lynn's illness, keep checking the blog as I'll post pictures of the trip and write about our ordeal.
It's so good to be home
Johanne and I arrived home around 1:00 this afternoon after 30 hours of travel.... I've never been so emotionally and physically drained..... but it's not about me is it? Johanne went through hell during the 30 hours. The 10 hour layover in Caracas was the worst because the people so condescending and unhelpful for any information... it was quite an ordeal and we were glad to be on a jet bound for Canada..... even if Johanne was hospitalized in Toronto things would be better, but she made it back to Halifax.
We came home for just enough time to shower and then we headed straight for the QE II in Halifax. We got there around 4:00 and they put her in a room there withing minutes. Doctors reviewed the CT scans we brought from Peru and they felt there is no tumor but a mass of puss and fluid from the infection. They kept the scans to have specialists review them tomorrow. They gave us the option to stay in hospital over night or go home and monitor..... ya Joey-Lynn opted to go home and sleep in our bed tonight.... I can't wait.
We just walked through the door and write this while grabbing some stew Joey-Lynn's mother cooked for us. Home cooking...... mmmmmmmmm (in Homers voice).
We are completely overwhelmed by the out pouring of support and concern from everyone. I wrote the blog so I only had to write it once for family and friends.... We were amazed at how many people emailed us that they were praying for us and watching our progress through my blog. With so many it's impossible for me to reply to everyone, but know that I have read every comment, every email, every message. I know Joey-Lynn will go through them as well but I wanted to thank you all for your support and prayers.
A lot of you want to hear about the circumstances leading up to Joey-Lynn's illness, keep checking the blog as I'll post pictures of the trip and write about our ordeal.
It's so good to be home
Sunday, September 6, 2009
In Caracas, Venez.
Hi Folks
We made it to Caracas, Ven. and Joey-Lynn is doing good so far, tired and all but good. We have about 7 more hours before our flight to Toronto. So at least we are on our way home. Hopefully she stays stable throughout the rest of our return home.
Well, when we left Canada, we left seeking adventure... becareful for what you wish for..... this has been quite an experience and learning over all. It's certainly a trip we won't forget soon but are both disappointed about how the trip turned out but glad she is doing well. It could have been hell of a lot worse so back in the andeas mountains on the Inca Trail.
Joey-Lynn wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, we know a lot of people have been sending lots of love.
We both have lost a ton of weight... besides her being sick and me being stressed you lose you appatite when in high altitude locations.... it's amazing how it affects your stomach. We both perked up quite a bit last night in Lima finally at sea level.... my breathing is no longer laboured and my appetite finally came back as last night we ate Chinese.... about six of them :-) Joey-Lynn ate a little bit. It's just so good to be able to breath normally and walk stairs without being winded after one flight.
We brought a sleeping bag and pillow on our carry on so if Joey-Lynn gets tired she can lay down, the airport here is quite big.
We will truelly be glad to get home, when I get more time I'll post the sequence of events leading up to her illness I know everyone has been asking.
As far as the wedding it doesn't look good for Saturday. We will likely delay it but will make the final decision on Tuesday when we get home....
Looking forward to seeing everyone.... we should arrive home or hospital Monday around 1:00.
Love to all
Frank & Johanne
We made it to Caracas, Ven. and Joey-Lynn is doing good so far, tired and all but good. We have about 7 more hours before our flight to Toronto. So at least we are on our way home. Hopefully she stays stable throughout the rest of our return home.
Well, when we left Canada, we left seeking adventure... becareful for what you wish for..... this has been quite an experience and learning over all. It's certainly a trip we won't forget soon but are both disappointed about how the trip turned out but glad she is doing well. It could have been hell of a lot worse so back in the andeas mountains on the Inca Trail.
Joey-Lynn wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, we know a lot of people have been sending lots of love.
We both have lost a ton of weight... besides her being sick and me being stressed you lose you appatite when in high altitude locations.... it's amazing how it affects your stomach. We both perked up quite a bit last night in Lima finally at sea level.... my breathing is no longer laboured and my appetite finally came back as last night we ate Chinese.... about six of them :-) Joey-Lynn ate a little bit. It's just so good to be able to breath normally and walk stairs without being winded after one flight.
We brought a sleeping bag and pillow on our carry on so if Joey-Lynn gets tired she can lay down, the airport here is quite big.
We will truelly be glad to get home, when I get more time I'll post the sequence of events leading up to her illness I know everyone has been asking.
As far as the wedding it doesn't look good for Saturday. We will likely delay it but will make the final decision on Tuesday when we get home....
Looking forward to seeing everyone.... we should arrive home or hospital Monday around 1:00.
Love to all
Frank & Johanne
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hopefully Last Post
Sorry for not posting.... it has been an incredibly stressful and crazy couple of days.
Last night The doctor to took us to another local hospital in Cuzco where they performed a CAT scan. I hate being the bearer of bad news via this way but I'm sure you all understand why. The results of the scan indicate that Joey Lynn has a mass on her right kidney and unfortunately a smaller mass in her left kidney. The veins going into the mass ruptured on the Inca Trail draining into the sack that holds the kidney. As a result of the weight her kidney dropped and the liquid got severly infected. Her right kidney is double the size it should be. The good news is they feel this mass is extremely early in stage and the mass is intact and prognosis should be 100 percent once it is removed, but the mass needs to come out soon. They feel she is stable enough to travel home and would be better off having the surgery in Halifax surrounded by friends and family. The travel home will likely be gruelling for her but she wants to get home so bad. The odd thing is travelling here may have saved her life because if this hadn't happened the mass would have kept on progressing without us knowing it even existed. So as hard as it is to swollow this may have been a good thing... if only it happened when hiking Musquidoboit instead the Andeas Mountains.
Last night the doctor picked up the Urologist at his home to look at the CAT scans.When stopped at the hosptial he opened his door and a motor cycle ran right into it. There was alot of yelling and finger pointing then the motor cyclist picked up his bike and helmitless girlfriend and drove.... no exchange of info ... nothing. Crazy stuff.
This morning a Urologfist came in and confirmed the prognosis.
Once they cleared her for flying home the fun started.... ever try to change a plane ticket in a country where no one speaks english. We hada seat on an airline that left the jungle, stopped in Cuzco and went to Lima. Because I wanted to board the plane in Cusco instead of the jungle they couldn't figure out what the penalty and change fee would be. They kept saying it would take some time to figure out... shit to bad someone couldn't use a computer. We heaed to the airport hoping to get more help there... and same issue.... Finally I gave up and bought tickets from thier competitor for $400US to get us to Lima as I was walking away the orginal airline company siad, hey mister $50US and we can change your ticket. Yiou want to see someone spitting bullets... but it was too late. So here we are in Lima heading home tomorrow on our regular flight. We get home Monday afternoon and there will be an ambulance at the airport to take Joey Lynn to the hospital. Of course they may not either but I was assured there would be.
The next time something at work stresses me out I hope I can remeber the last two days to help keep things in perspective. I'm stressed and an emotinal wrek I can only imagine how she is... but you all know her she is a real trooper and stronger than anyone I know.
Needless to say Joey Lynn is scared, exhausted and still sick as hell and I pray that we all made the right decision to travel now intead of waiting. The two hour flight here wipped her out but she is relaxing in our hotel room while I write this and grab some grub.
As far as the wedding goes it has been my last priority and I have not been able to so much let it distract me from what needed to be done here. However, on the flight here we did discuss that it is highly unlikely it will happen as she is to weak, to fever blistered, and will probably be hospitalized. However we'll make a solid decision when we get home and see what doctors there recommend.
After all this the doctors here have warned us that the insurance company will likely claim that this is a pre-existing condition and will not likely be covered leaving us stuck to pay for all this. But wewill cross that bridge when the time comes, right now I just have to get her home.
Love you all
Last night The doctor to took us to another local hospital in Cuzco where they performed a CAT scan. I hate being the bearer of bad news via this way but I'm sure you all understand why. The results of the scan indicate that Joey Lynn has a mass on her right kidney and unfortunately a smaller mass in her left kidney. The veins going into the mass ruptured on the Inca Trail draining into the sack that holds the kidney. As a result of the weight her kidney dropped and the liquid got severly infected. Her right kidney is double the size it should be. The good news is they feel this mass is extremely early in stage and the mass is intact and prognosis should be 100 percent once it is removed, but the mass needs to come out soon. They feel she is stable enough to travel home and would be better off having the surgery in Halifax surrounded by friends and family. The travel home will likely be gruelling for her but she wants to get home so bad. The odd thing is travelling here may have saved her life because if this hadn't happened the mass would have kept on progressing without us knowing it even existed. So as hard as it is to swollow this may have been a good thing... if only it happened when hiking Musquidoboit instead the Andeas Mountains.
Last night the doctor picked up the Urologist at his home to look at the CAT scans.When stopped at the hosptial he opened his door and a motor cycle ran right into it. There was alot of yelling and finger pointing then the motor cyclist picked up his bike and helmitless girlfriend and drove.... no exchange of info ... nothing. Crazy stuff.
This morning a Urologfist came in and confirmed the prognosis.
Once they cleared her for flying home the fun started.... ever try to change a plane ticket in a country where no one speaks english. We hada seat on an airline that left the jungle, stopped in Cuzco and went to Lima. Because I wanted to board the plane in Cusco instead of the jungle they couldn't figure out what the penalty and change fee would be. They kept saying it would take some time to figure out... shit to bad someone couldn't use a computer. We heaed to the airport hoping to get more help there... and same issue.... Finally I gave up and bought tickets from thier competitor for $400US to get us to Lima as I was walking away the orginal airline company siad, hey mister $50US and we can change your ticket. Yiou want to see someone spitting bullets... but it was too late. So here we are in Lima heading home tomorrow on our regular flight. We get home Monday afternoon and there will be an ambulance at the airport to take Joey Lynn to the hospital. Of course they may not either but I was assured there would be.
The next time something at work stresses me out I hope I can remeber the last two days to help keep things in perspective. I'm stressed and an emotinal wrek I can only imagine how she is... but you all know her she is a real trooper and stronger than anyone I know.
Needless to say Joey Lynn is scared, exhausted and still sick as hell and I pray that we all made the right decision to travel now intead of waiting. The two hour flight here wipped her out but she is relaxing in our hotel room while I write this and grab some grub.
As far as the wedding goes it has been my last priority and I have not been able to so much let it distract me from what needed to be done here. However, on the flight here we did discuss that it is highly unlikely it will happen as she is to weak, to fever blistered, and will probably be hospitalized. However we'll make a solid decision when we get home and see what doctors there recommend.
After all this the doctors here have warned us that the insurance company will likely claim that this is a pre-existing condition and will not likely be covered leaving us stuck to pay for all this. But wewill cross that bridge when the time comes, right now I just have to get her home.
Love you all
Friday, September 4, 2009
Good and Bad News
The doctor finally arrived and Johanne has made some improvements. There was talk about surgery but we both decided that wasn´t going to happen here!! Thankfully the reason for possible surgery was dismissed this morning as Johanne stomach has made some improvements, however, we have one set back, her temperature has climbed again to just over 39 degrees so we not totally winning the battle with the infection just yet and her Oxygen levels are still low 83... they were 79 and should be 90. The lab came in and took blood to see what´s up. We should know in an hour or two. It´s tough for me to run out of the hospital and go to a cyber joint to post info as I don´t want to leave her but the hospital doesn´t feed me so i have to go out and eat.... which is when I try to post. But there´s only so much guinea pig I can eat :-)
We are supposed to fly to Lima tomorrow and then home the next day but the doctor has told us to forget that schedule as Johanne is to weak and to sick for travel so god knows when we´ll get home..... or how. That´s my job this afternoon to see what can be done. If we are not home next weekend enjoy the wedding! The doctor is hoping she will be travel worthy in two days possibly. God we both want out of here so bad.
Don´t worry about me I´m eating and trying to cope with stress and the altitude. There is a phenomenon that happens at this altitude to sea level dwellers where you stop breathing or hold your breath and wake with a big inhalation. They don´t know why this happens but it´s got me freaked out. It happens to me just when I´m about to fall a sleep. I´m fine other than the obvious worries.
The streets are a mass of people which doubles after 6:00pm it´s shear craziness but fairly safe but this is why I´m not posting in the evening. I tried to last night but all the cyber shops were blocked with teenagers and there was nothing available from the hundreds of internet shops around the hospital.
Anyway I have run and grab some lunch and get back to Joey-Lynn.
Love to all
´Stuck in Cuzco Peru´
PS did I mention I´m sick of the altitude and the 12 to 16 degree temperature and the guy next me stinks of BO and is listening to and singing MJ´s Thriller.... funny as shit!!
We are supposed to fly to Lima tomorrow and then home the next day but the doctor has told us to forget that schedule as Johanne is to weak and to sick for travel so god knows when we´ll get home..... or how. That´s my job this afternoon to see what can be done. If we are not home next weekend enjoy the wedding! The doctor is hoping she will be travel worthy in two days possibly. God we both want out of here so bad.
Don´t worry about me I´m eating and trying to cope with stress and the altitude. There is a phenomenon that happens at this altitude to sea level dwellers where you stop breathing or hold your breath and wake with a big inhalation. They don´t know why this happens but it´s got me freaked out. It happens to me just when I´m about to fall a sleep. I´m fine other than the obvious worries.
The streets are a mass of people which doubles after 6:00pm it´s shear craziness but fairly safe but this is why I´m not posting in the evening. I tried to last night but all the cyber shops were blocked with teenagers and there was nothing available from the hundreds of internet shops around the hospital.
Anyway I have run and grab some lunch and get back to Joey-Lynn.
Love to all
´Stuck in Cuzco Peru´
PS did I mention I´m sick of the altitude and the 12 to 16 degree temperature and the guy next me stinks of BO and is listening to and singing MJ´s Thriller.... funny as shit!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Good News Finally
Joey-Lynn had some good news. Her x-ray and ultrasound came back with nothing. However she is still having lots of pain but its being controlled with meds. She is still feverish and has fever blisters around her mouth which will be good for wedding photos. She still hasn´t eaten anything... this is like day 4 or 6 without food. They still have her on oxygen and I think the the infection is getting better, it will just take time. They suspect she has a kidney infection, a gastro intestinal infection and her body is not acclimatizing to the altitude but the O2 will fix that. I really need to see some improvement tomorrow it will certainly easy the stress.
It´s very hard to breath here... being 2 miles above sea level will do that. All my running around today will ensure I sleep tonight. I didn´t get much last night as I sat up and watched her sleep like a crazed stalker. Her breathing has been very fast and erratic as her body was struggling for oxygen at this altitude.... the doctor figures if she was healthy the altitude wouldn´t have been an issue.
On day two of our trek we climbed 1200 meters over 9km. It was straight up and very gruelling for us healthy people.... take away 30 percent of the oxygen as well and it´s down right gross... this doctor too said she must be one tough cookie because not many healthy people could do it. She is a soldier that´s for sure.
I expect she will likely need to stay in hospital for a few more days. Keep in your thoughts and send lots of love.
It´s very hard to breath here... being 2 miles above sea level will do that. All my running around today will ensure I sleep tonight. I didn´t get much last night as I sat up and watched her sleep like a crazed stalker. Her breathing has been very fast and erratic as her body was struggling for oxygen at this altitude.... the doctor figures if she was healthy the altitude wouldn´t have been an issue.
On day two of our trek we climbed 1200 meters over 9km. It was straight up and very gruelling for us healthy people.... take away 30 percent of the oxygen as well and it´s down right gross... this doctor too said she must be one tough cookie because not many healthy people could do it. She is a soldier that´s for sure.
I expect she will likely need to stay in hospital for a few more days. Keep in your thoughts and send lots of love.
Bad to Worse
Things have gone from bad to worse.
Last night Joey-Lynn got very sick. I ran out and got a themometer and her temp was 38 after two hours it was 39.... she started shivering and then vomitting so I had our guide call a doctor he knew. When he arrived an hour later her temp was nearly 40 and her pulse was over 130 beats per minute (she´s normally about 65). He checked her oxygen levels and it was really low. He put us both in his car and drove us straight to emergency. She was admitted around 11:30PM very weak. They started her on an IV and lots of drugs. They gave us a private room with a bed for me to stay with her. Last night was the first night in days she slept right through. This morning the fever broke and when she awoke she cracked a wise ass comment so she is definetly better this morning than yesterday. Her colour is back and she is making progress. They plan to keep her here for a day or two.
Obviously I canceled the rest of our trip and our group left for the jungle this morning. We will be heading back home as soon as she is able to travel.
Hell of a pre-honeymoon!!!
Last night Joey-Lynn got very sick. I ran out and got a themometer and her temp was 38 after two hours it was 39.... she started shivering and then vomitting so I had our guide call a doctor he knew. When he arrived an hour later her temp was nearly 40 and her pulse was over 130 beats per minute (she´s normally about 65). He checked her oxygen levels and it was really low. He put us both in his car and drove us straight to emergency. She was admitted around 11:30PM very weak. They started her on an IV and lots of drugs. They gave us a private room with a bed for me to stay with her. Last night was the first night in days she slept right through. This morning the fever broke and when she awoke she cracked a wise ass comment so she is definetly better this morning than yesterday. Her colour is back and she is making progress. They plan to keep her here for a day or two.
Obviously I canceled the rest of our trip and our group left for the jungle this morning. We will be heading back home as soon as she is able to travel.
Hell of a pre-honeymoon!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Joey-Lynn has been sick
We arrived out of the Andeas mountains but had some big trouble. Everything was fine until the second day on our Inka Trail trek through the mountains. Joey-Lynn took quite ill and in an extreme amount of pain. We were all suffering altitude sickness and thought she was having a bad case. But it soon became apparent that she was having kidney troubles.... not exactly the best place for that. Having passed the point of no return and at an altitude of 4200 meters there was no going back. After treking for 8 hours the third day, two Peruvian porters carried her on their back and despite being severly behind the group they passed every on the trail and arrived a half hour before the first of our group arrived. I´ve never seen anything like it, but it was obvious that she was extremely ill to allow them to do that. They guide and porters were amazing and did what ever they could to help her out.
We arrived in Machu Picchu on the forth day and the guide arranged someone to meet us who took us immediately into town. A friend of our guide provided Joey-Lynn with a bed and we called a doctor... here doctors make house calls you don´t go to them. After what I would call a very thorough examine (including them taking a urine sample to the lab and returning an hour later with the results) it was determined that she has a Kidney infection with some blood in her urine possibly caused by a stone. They gave her a big injection of pain killers and an anti-biotic, and proved pills for pain and anti-biotics... don´t worry the needle was taken from a sterile pack. The doctor was great stayed with us for an hour explained everything he was doing and giving her.
With doctors approvol and her wanting to we returned to Machu Pichu and looked around for an hour but she she got tired so we left.
Due to the excessive pain she hadn´t eaten much while in the mountains but today is nibbling on fruit and trying to consume as much water as possible. Her kidney is working again but she has zero energy and is still feeling sick. Tomorrow we are supposed to fly to the jungle but that´s up in the air right now as we might have to return to Lima and head home.
The doctor said, that with this type of pain it´s amazing that she ever got off the mountain, that each step would be like giving birth as the pain from her right kidney would shoot through her whole body, most people would not be able to get out of bed let alone walking the trederous mountains for 8 hours a day.
Today we are in Cusco with a free day and Joey-Lynn spent the whole day in bed trying to regain her energy. If we do go into the jungle she can obt out of the treks (which she will I´m sure) and relax around the compound. There wont be any internet so if we do go I won´t be able to update you on her progress.
Her pain in her back is gone and seems to be going well but I thought I better let you know what has been happening. Obviously we are notexactly having the time of our lives right now but something like this could have happened to any of us here. The group we are with has been highly supportive and great.
Hopefully she will start to feel better, if not we are going to call another doctor tonight.
We arrived in Machu Picchu on the forth day and the guide arranged someone to meet us who took us immediately into town. A friend of our guide provided Joey-Lynn with a bed and we called a doctor... here doctors make house calls you don´t go to them. After what I would call a very thorough examine (including them taking a urine sample to the lab and returning an hour later with the results) it was determined that she has a Kidney infection with some blood in her urine possibly caused by a stone. They gave her a big injection of pain killers and an anti-biotic, and proved pills for pain and anti-biotics... don´t worry the needle was taken from a sterile pack. The doctor was great stayed with us for an hour explained everything he was doing and giving her.
With doctors approvol and her wanting to we returned to Machu Pichu and looked around for an hour but she she got tired so we left.
Due to the excessive pain she hadn´t eaten much while in the mountains but today is nibbling on fruit and trying to consume as much water as possible. Her kidney is working again but she has zero energy and is still feeling sick. Tomorrow we are supposed to fly to the jungle but that´s up in the air right now as we might have to return to Lima and head home.
The doctor said, that with this type of pain it´s amazing that she ever got off the mountain, that each step would be like giving birth as the pain from her right kidney would shoot through her whole body, most people would not be able to get out of bed let alone walking the trederous mountains for 8 hours a day.
Today we are in Cusco with a free day and Joey-Lynn spent the whole day in bed trying to regain her energy. If we do go into the jungle she can obt out of the treks (which she will I´m sure) and relax around the compound. There wont be any internet so if we do go I won´t be able to update you on her progress.
Her pain in her back is gone and seems to be going well but I thought I better let you know what has been happening. Obviously we are notexactly having the time of our lives right now but something like this could have happened to any of us here. The group we are with has been highly supportive and great.
Hopefully she will start to feel better, if not we are going to call another doctor tonight.
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