What a horrible night we had. Johanne was up and going to the bathroom every 30 minutes and then when she was a sleep she moaned in agony constantly. We got up at 4:00AM and there was a great sense of urgency to trek toward the Sun Gate and Machu Picchu. Once we got on the trail Johanne was doing great to keep up with everyone. I knew she was only doing this for me. Everyone wanted to see the sunrise over Machu Picchu and hopefully get some photographs. The hike was a mere 6KM mostly flat except the last little bit which was quite steep up. Johanne kept pace but just prior to getting there I could tell she was fading out so I forced her to step aside and let other trekkers pass. She was getting real sick real fast. We were the last ones to reach the Sun Gate, after sunrise unfortunately and had arrived just as the clouds moved in and covered Machu Picchu. We left the Sun Gate and walked around and had a great view of it.

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